Thursday, August 23, 2018

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Today in class, we will:

-- Study vocabulary on Quizlet

-- Research Bitcoin online. Please write down the following. (Please use complete sentences and write in paragraph form.) 

(1) What is Bitcoin?

(2) Who started Bitcoin and why?

(3) What is Bitcoin used for?

(4) What is the present value of Bitcoin?

(5) How do you buy Bitcoin?

(6) What are some of the benefits and challenges of Bitcoin?

(7) Overall, is Bitcoin good or bad?

(Our first lesson on Microsoft Word will be postponed due to a software issue.)

* Please remember we have our first vocabulary test tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Monday, May 14, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study the semester test study guide on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will discuss the semester test and the Quizlet Live Championship and prizes.

-- If time allows, we will have practice rounds for the Quizlet Live Championship.

-- We will have practice tests on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Grading Rubric for Feedback Friends Process for Password Generator Project

Here is the grading rubric we will use for our friends feedback process. As you test each other's algorithms, please apply the following standard for grading:

1. The algorithm functions perfectly to create a password for all sites without further adaptation. (worth 20 points)

2. Given any site, the algorithm creates a password that meets all the following requirements for all sites -- 6 to 10 characters, at least one capital and one lower case letter, and at least one symbol. (worth 30 points)

3. The submitted assignment lists five well-documented examples for different sites, with each step of the algorithm shown separately. (each example worth 10 points, for a total of 50 points)

Tally the determined grade, and please email it back to them and copy me, along with your written evaluation of the security level of the passwords created by their generator, what is good about their algorithm, and what might be improved.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will use the first ten minutes of class to study for the semester test using Quizlet.

-- Then we will work on our Password Generator Project in pairs. * Please be sure your password generator creates a password with between six and ten characters, includes at least one capital and one lower case letter, and includes at least one symbol.

-- Please email me your Password Generator Project (including the written algorithm and five password examples written out step-by-step for five different websites) before the end of class. Then we will exchange projects and do friends feedback.

*First hour will have an additional 15 minutes at the beginning of class tomorrow to work on the project before turning it in and starting friends feedback.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will use the first ten minutes of class to study for the semester test.

-- Then we will review yesterday's introduction to computational thinking and developing algorithms.

-- Then we will work in teams on this week's Password Generator Project which will be worth two grades.

Working in pairs, your task is to design and construct a standardized strategy for generating unique passwords for different sites that can later be regenerated by reapplying the same algorithm. Your solution should address the following concepts:

The algorithm should generate different passwords for different sites.
The password for any site should be reproducible simply by following the algorithm.
The algorithm should be easy to remember and apply.
The password should be complex and difficult to guess.
The general algorithm should not be easily deduced from the password.

Please include five well documented examples, showing each step of generating your password, for five different sites, using your algorithm.

As an example, the algorithm for the password generator in the video we watched was:

1. Take the first two and last two letters of the site name.

2. Switch the first two and last two letters of the site name.
3. Count the number of letters in the site name.
4. Find the corresponding symbol on the keyboard and add that to the end of the password.

So following the steps in this algorithm, the generated password for Facebook would be: okFa* , as illustrated in the steps below:

1. Fa ok
2. okFa
3. 8
4. okFa*

Monday, May 7, 2018

Monday, May 7, 2018

Today in class:

-- We studied for the semester test for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we had an introduction to computational thiking and algorithms and applied a sample algorithm, for creating secure passwords, to multiple sites.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Today in class:

-- We are studying for the semester test on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will watch two videos and complete the accompanying online worksheets at .

-- Then, if time allows, we will explore coding on