Friday, September 29, 2017

Friday, September 29, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use Quizlet to study vocabulary for the first 15 minutes of class. No other activities or work may be done during this time.

-- Then, read through the question near the end of this post before watching today's video.

-- Then, you will watch "Polysilicon Manufacturing Plant for Solar Cells, Semi Conductors," a video that explains how polysilicon is made.

-- Then, read "The Inside Story of the Great Polysilicon Heist" together as a class. You will take turns volunteering to read aloud.

-- Please take notes on the video and article.

-- Then, use the Internet to research polysilicon in the technology economy, and write short essay answers to the questions below. Answers must be in your own words, not copied directly from another source and must be at least five complete sentences long. Answers which are copied directly from another source or do not meet the length requirement will be counted wrong. Please do your best and do not rush through this assignment.

1. How is polysilicon manufactured? 

2. In the article "The Inside Story of the Great Polysilicon Heist," who stole the material and how did they sell it?

3. Why were they able to steal so much without being caught before selling it?

4. In what industries is polysilicon used, and why has it become so valuable?

5. Do you believe polysilicon will become more or less valuable over the next 10 years? Explain your answer by giving three reasons why and supporting your ideas with facts.

-- Please turn in what you are able to complete today, and be prepared to discuss on Monday.

-- This will likely take the entire class period, but if you finish early, please rewrite your vocabulary terms and definitions until the end of the class period to study for Monday's test.

-- You must work on class work the entire class period. 

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use Quizlet to study vocabulary for the first 10 minutes of class.

-- Then, please complete the Flag assignment, save, and send to print. 

-- Once you have turned in the Flag assignment, please read the "Wired Magazine" article from yesterday's post. Pay close attention to what you read, and take notes, as tomorrow's class assignment will relate to this article.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Today in class:

--  We will use the first 15 minutes to study vocabulary on Quizlet.

-- Then we will finish the Smart Art assignment from yesterday.

-- Then we will begin the MS Word Flag Activity below.

-- Once you have finished with that, please begin reading, "The Inside Story of the Great Silicon Heist," from "Wired Magazine" for our research topic this week and discussion on Friday.

MS Word Flag Activity

Using the drawing tools, text boxes, and clip art, create a flag that represents you!

1. Format the page as Landscape.

2. Under the Page Layout tab, click on Page Borders and select a personalized border for your flag.

3. Use WordArt to write your name on your flag. 

4. You need at least three different shapes on your flag.
a. One shape needs to be filled with a texture
b. One shape needs to be filled with a gradient
c. One shape needs to be filled with a pattern
d. Change the weight of the outline of one of your shapes, so it is 3 pt. or larger.

5. Add a text box to your flag, so you can insert a quote.  Give credit to the person who said it.

6. Insert at least two different clip arts to your flag.  Text wrap helps with formatting.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017 -- Introduction to Graphics in Microsoft Word

Today in class, we will be learning about using graphic elements in Microsoft Word. We will begin with an introductory video titled "Adding Simple Graphics in Microsoft Word" --

Then we will review lesson at and view the accompanying video and do the assignment at the end.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Monday, September 26, 2017 -- Vocabulary 6 -- Graphic Desing Terms

For our assignment today, please write each term and definition and turn in, no later than the beginning of class tomorrow, Tuesday, September 26. If you finish before class is over, please use the Quizlet to study for the vocabulary test.

Computer Applications I
Vocabulary 6 – Graphic Design Terms in MS Word
September 25, 2017

1. Clip art
collection of ready-made drawings and illustrations available in different topics
2. Clipboard
a temporary storage area that holds text and graphics
3. Crop
the act of "cutting" part of a graphic image
4. Default
a present condition of the software that the software uses if no other option is selected
5. Desktop publishing
the ability to make the printed word more attractive using the computer and specialized software
6. Gutter
the white space between columns
7. Handles
the "dots" surrounding a selected object indicating that it is in edit mode
8. Import
the process of bringing text or graphics into an application from another source
9. Layout
the overall appearance of a publication
10. White space

the blank space between text and graphics on a page

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Please print and turn in the Find and Replace assignment, if you have not already done so.  Once you have done that, please research the iPhone X and answer the questions posted with our research topic on our site. Please write your notes and answers to the questions on a separate piece piece of paper to use during our in-class discussion. Please turn them in at the end of the hour today.

*The Vocabulary 5 test will be Monday, due to school being out tomorrow. Please remember to use the Quizlet to study for the test.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Today in class, we completed the Find and Replace handout exercise from yesterday.  First hour will print and turn and turn it in tomorrow, Thursday, September 21. Fifth hour printed and turned theirs in today.

We also studied Vocabulary 5. Please be sure to continue to study for the test. The test will be Monday, due to school being out on Friday. There is a Quizlet study aid for this at

Research Topic for This Week -- iPhone X and Privacy Concerns

Our research topic for this week is:  

iPhone X and Privacy Concerns In the World of Advancing Smart Phone Technology

Please research and answer the five following questions:

1) What is the iPhone X?

2) When does it come out?

3) What are its new features?

4) What are three key privacy concerns with smart phones?

5) How are these addressed with relation to the new iPhone X?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Tuesday, September 19, 2017 - Find and Replace Handout Assignment

This text is to use for the hands-on portion of the "Find and Replace" handout passed out today. Fifth hour Computer Applications I is working on it in class Tuesday, and first hour Computer Applications I will work on it in class Wednesday.

Please use this text to complete the hands-on assignment

Stuart Little

In 1945,  an author named E.  B.  White wrote a book called Stuart Little.  Mr.  White wrote this book for children,  but it is a story that adults love too.  Recently,  this book was made into a popular movie which is now showing in theaters.  Now another group of children and adults are enjoying the story of Stuart Little because of the movie,  but many people will probably still like the book better because of E.  B.  White's wonderful ability to write well.

The story is about Stuart,  a small mous who is part of a human family.  Stuart is very small,  just over two inches tall,  but he doesn't let his small size get in the way very much.  He has many adventures in the family home and outside also.  He has a brother named George and a mother and a father.  One time,  his brother lowered him into a sink drain to save his mother's ring.  She was very grate full and called him her hero.  His biggest problem is,  of course,  the family cat. 

Stuart had a love in his life,  Margallo a bird,  who one day flew away.  Stuart decided to go and find her,  so he went on a road trip into the country.  His travels brought him to a town called Ames Crossing,  which is beautifully described by the author.

E.  B.  White wrote about a mous and his world for children,  but the beauty of his writing and the spirit of this small creature make it a story for all people,  young and old,  who enjoy a good story that is well told.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Please remember to turn in the vocabulary assignment at the beginning of the hour. 

Then we have a handout titled "Find and Replace" we will review together. We will not do the assignment given within it, until tomorrow.

For today’s hands-on assignment, please copy and paste the text below into a new Word document. Then use the Replace function to make the follow changes:

-Replace “Thursday” with “Friday”
-Replace “10” with “15”
-Replace “please” with “you may”

I will come around the classroom to see how you are doing.

Text to copy and paste:

Parent teacher conferences will be Thursday, September 21, 2017. Conferences run 10 minutes per student and may be scheduled in advance. (Additional time may be schedule during my planning period, 6th hour, if needed.) To schedule an appointment time, please use the contact form in the sidebar on the right to send me a message.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday, September 18, 2017 -- Vocabulary 5

Computer Applications I

Vocabulary 5
September 18, 2017
Microsoft Word Terms

Please look up the following terms at Please write two copies of the definitions, one to keep for yourself and one to turn in tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Paragraph Style
Print Preview
Relative To
Hard Return
Soft Return
Spelling and Grammar Dialog Box
Style Gallery
Windows Clipboard

Friday, September 15, 2017

Parent Teacher Conferences -- Thursday, September 21, 2017

Parent teacher conferences will be Thursday, September 21, 2017. Conferences run 10 minutes per student and may be scheduled in advance. (Additional time may be schedule during my planning period, 6th hour, if needed.) To schedule an appointment time, please use the contact form in the sidebar on the right to send me a message.

Thank you,
Ms. Smith

Friday, September 15, 2017

Today in class:

-- Our vocabulary test is postponed until Monday due to necessary student absences for activities this week. Please continue to study Vocabulary 4 -- Internet Safety.

-- The first 20 minutes of class we will use the Quizlet at new to study for Monday's test. Please be sure to use this Quizlet to study again Sunday night before the test Monday.

-- Following study time, I will review and grade your notes for our discussion of Elon Musk's statement, "AI is the biggest risk we face as a civilization."

-- For the remainder of the class period, we will discuss this statement.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Today in class:

- We are reviewing yesterday's video on applying text styles, focusing on applying Heading Styles for use of organization of information.

- I am walking through a live visual demonstration of creating notes, then applying Heading Styles to help organize information.

- Then, we will continue our research and taking notes on Elon Musk's statement, "AI is the biggest risk we face as a civilization."

- Then, please use the techniques you have learned to apply Heading Styles to your notes. I will assist with questions as you work.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please be sure you have turned in the vocabulary formatting assignment started Monday. It is due no later than today.

-- Once everyone has turned in their work, we will discuss the assignment and go over it together on the monitor at the front of the room. We will discuss which parts seemed easy and which seemed challenging for most students.

-- We will watch a video on How to Use Text Styles in Microsoft Word ( and discuss how this works and when it might come in handy.

-- Following the videos, please research Elon Musk's statement, "AI is the biggest risk we face as a civilization." Please organize your notes in outline form in a Microsoft Word document and apply text styles, so that we may work further with this concept in class tomorrow.

-- Tips on writing an outline can be found here --

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Today, we are discussing our vocabulary words and finishing the Word assignment from yesterday. Please be sure to add your name in the header of your document, print it out on HP Laserjet 2300 in our classroom, and turn it in on top of our file box at the front of the room.

Then, please print your notebook cover assignment from earlier this year and place in the front cover of your notebook. After you finish this, please begin designing a second notebook cover for your white notebook.

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017 -- Test and Vocabulary 4

Today we will have our test covering Vocabulary 1, Vocabulary 2, Vocabulary 3, and the PowerPoint presentation titled MS Word Basics. 

Then, we will begin working with Vocabulary 4 on Internet safety. The Vocabulary 4 handout follows. When you have completed your test, please review the list and create a Microsoft Word document identical to the handout. We will cover the details of formatting in class discussion. When complete, please save it with the name vocab4apps1firstnamelastname, and turn in a printed copy.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017 -- In-Class Review Using

Today in class, we are using our new study sets to study for the upcoming test on Monday. They are located at

There are class sets for Computer Applications I and Computer Applications II. Please be sure to use the appropriate set for your class.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017 -- In-Class Review for Upcoming Exam

*Please be sure to be studying for the upcoming exam Monday, September 11.

Today in class, we will continue our review, specifically discussing vocabulary words from our first three vocabulary sets.

Today's assignment is to write and turn in vocabulary sets 1 and 2. If you do not finish today in class, it is due tomorrow at the beginning of class.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017 -- In-Class Review of Basic Word Processing PowerPoint Presentation

In this review we repeated last week's PowerPoint presentation on Basic Word Processing, discussed specifically and generally questions that will be on the test, and answered any questions.

* Please be studying for the upcoming test on Monday, September 11.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Today's Class Agenda -- In-Class Review

Today we will have an in-class review of last week's Basic Word Processing PowerPoint presentation, discussing types of questions that might be included on the test, and answering any questions. 

* Please remember to be studying for the cumulative test coming up on Monday, September 11.

Monday, September 4, 2017

Computer Lab Access and Help

The computer lab is usually open from 7:45 a.m. until about 4:00 p.m. and during lunch daily, should you need to use a computer for class work or need help.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Announcement: Next Test Monday, September 11

Our next test will be Monday, September 11 (rather than Friday September 8). Tuesday, September 5, we will review in class, so you will have a full week to study following our in-class review. 

This test will cover our first three sets of vocabulary and the Basic Word Processing PowerPoint presentation from Tuesday, August 28. 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday, September 1, 2017

On today's agenda, we have:

 -- Vocabulary Test

 -- Finishing Modifying Text Assignment

 -- Blizzard Entertainment Discussion

 -- Turn in Blizzard Entertainment Notes