Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will take our vocabulary test on introductory database terms.

-- Then we will complete and submit the database project proposals from yesterday.

-- Once that is completed and submitted, please research which is the most secure smart phone available on the market. Then write a 50-word minimum, persuasive summary of your findings and turn in by email for review. Please use Microsoft Word or Google Docs for your work.

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will watch the following videos: and

-- Then we will create and turn in proposed project plans for a class database project.

The project proposal should include the following:

-- What your database will be about. Please include a description of at least 50 words. (20 points)

-- What specific items it will track. Please name at least 5. (20 points)

-- Which items are related to one another, specifically. For example, a database for gardening might relate specific plants to specific insect pests. (20 points)

-- What types of reports you might pull from it. For example, you might pull a list of all insect pests that might attack corn in June from a gardening database. (20 points)

-- Who will be accessing it and how, for example, will they be accessing it on their phone, laptop, desktop, Chromebook, etc. (20 points)

Please create this document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and email to me when complete. It is due no later than the end of class tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- We will watch two introductory videos on database design and usage: and .

-- Then we will discuss databases, uses, and personal interests for class projects.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Monday, March 26, 2018

Welcome back from Spring Break!

Today, in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will have our vocabulary test.

-- Then we will review this week's new vocabulary on databases.

-- Then we will research and discuss current technology news, specifically, the Facebook data privacy breech and the death of an Arizona pedestrian caused by a collision with a driverless Uber taxi.

Tomorrow, we will continue our introduction to databases.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Today, in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will view the following video on creating line charts in Excel:

-- Then we will do hands-on work with line charts in Excel and submit a hands-on assignment.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Today, in class:

-- We studied vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we discussed the X-Files episode we watched and the future of artificial intelligence.

-- Then we watched the following video about creating column charts in Excel:

Monday, March 12, 2018

Today, in class:

-- We studied vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- We discussed this week's new topic -- creating charts in Excel.

-- We watched and discussed an edited version of X-Files, Season 11, Episode Rm9sbG93ZXJz.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Monday, March 5, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will have our vocabulary test.

-- Then we will do a midterm review worksheet. Turn in the midterm review worksheet prior to leaving class today.