Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Today in class:

-- We will study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will watch the following videos: and

-- Then we will create and turn in proposed project plans for a class database project.

The project proposal should include the following:

-- What your database will be about. Please include a description of at least 50 words. (20 points)

-- What specific items it will track. Please name at least 5. (20 points)

-- Which items are related to one another, specifically. For example, a database for gardening might relate specific plants to specific insect pests. (20 points)

-- What types of reports you might pull from it. For example, you might pull a list of all insect pests that might attack corn in June from a gardening database. (20 points)

-- Who will be accessing it and how, for example, will they be accessing it on their phone, laptop, desktop, Chromebook, etc. (20 points)

Please create this document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs and email to me when complete. It is due no later than the end of class tomorrow.

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