Thursday, November 30, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first 10 minutes.

-- We will use the research you've done about your desired career skills, developing resume, and additional research to create a PowerPoint presentation on your chosen career. Please include a minimum of 10 slides, 10 career specific skills, and 10 graphics. This will be used for a 5-minute (minimum) presentation to the class regarding your chosen career.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Today in class:

-- We discussed the article "Robots Are Coming for Jobs of as Many as 800 Million Worldwide" and how developing technology might affect jobs available in the future.

-- We discussed the job search process and watched a video on developing an effective resume:

-- We did guided hands-on work, creating and saving resumes in Microsoft Word.

Today in Technology News -- Robots as Job Competitors

According to this article, as many as 30% of the jobs for people may disappear, with as many as potentially 800 million human employees being replaced by robots, over the next 13 years --

What will you do to make sure you have a job?

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Today, in class, we will:

-- Study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Research your desired career and necessary career skills.

-- Research sample resume styles and formats.

-- Create a written list of at least ten necessary skills for your chosen career. As discussed in class, be sure to list job specific skills rather than employability skills ( This is due at the end of the hour today.

-- Take notes and create a rough draft of your developing resume. This will be due at the beginning of the hour tomorrow.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Monday, November 27, 2017

Today in class:

-- We will study the new vocabulary for this week on Quizlet for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will continue with our Thanksgiving Technology Presentations.

-- Remaining time after presentations will be used to discuss this week's topic and assignments for Career Presentations Using PowerPoint and Microsoft Word.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

Today you will get to continue working on your technology research assignment -- working in groups of three to create a PowerPoint presentation persuading your classmates to use your chosen high tech tool or app to prepare the best Thanksgiving dinner possible. Impress us with something innovative! Please sit together with your group, and I will come around to assist you.

Please have your PowerPoint presentation ready to save to a thumb drive before the end of the hour. Your groups will present them to the class following our test on Tuesday.

A few ideas to get you started:

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use the first ten minutes to study vocabulary on Quizlet. Your vocabulary test will be on Tuesday of next week.

-- Today in class, we are going to change things up a bit. We were going to begin a PowerPoint presentation on your future careers, but we will postpone that a bit, and instead begin our technology research assignment.

-- This week's technology research assignment is to work in groups of three to create a PowerPoint presentation persuading your classmates to use your chosen high tech tool or app to prepare the best Thanksgiving dinner possible. Impress us with something innovative! Groups will be assigned. Please sit together with your group, and I will come around to assist you.

A few ideas to get you started:

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use the first 10 minutes to study vocabulary on Quizlet.

-- Then we will learn about inserting video into PowerPoint presentations. We will review and discuss the information given here:

-- Then we will work hands-on with guided instruction, creating PowerPoinst presentation.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use Quizlet to study your new vocabulary for the first ten minutes of class.

-- Today we will have an introduction to using PowerPoint presentation software, featuring three different PowerPoint presentations.

-- This will be followed by a visual demonstration on the overhead monitor and introductory hands-on work.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday, November 13, 2107

Today in class:

-- Please study vocabulary on Quizlet for the first 10 minutes of class.

-- We will have our vocabulary test.

-- We will finish our grouping graphics project from last week.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please create a one-page 8.5" x 11" poster, using two images grouped together, and a meaningful quote about Veterans Day.

-- Please place a decorative border around the outside edge of the page.

-- At the bottom of the page, centered justified, in 11 pt Arial font, please type "created by" your name.

-- Please do your best, as these may be hung in the gym for today's Veterans Day Assembly.

-- Please print and turn in at the end of the hour.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use the first ten minutes to study vocabulary on Quizlet.

-- Then we will review yesterday's video and do a hands-on assignment using the techniques covered on grouping and ungrouping graphic images.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Today, in class:

-- Please use Quizlet to study vocabulary for the first 10 minutes of class.

-- Then we will watch a video on grouping and moving graphic images in Microsoft Word:

-- This will be followed by a visual demonstration and hands-on work with the same techniques.

-- Then there will be a worksheet on moving, aligning, and grouping graphics that will be due no later than the beginning of the hour tomorrow.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Monday, November 6, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use the first ten minutes to study for your vocabulary test.

-- When called, please turn in your research assignment.

-- We will have a test on your vocabulary on working with Graphics in Microsoft Word.

-- Then please use the rest of the hour to begin learning this week's new vocabulary terms, dealing with moving, aligning, and grouping graphics.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

For today's assignment, please write an essay on one of the following five biotechnology companies or applications. The essay must be at least 250 words. It may be more, if you wish. Points will be deducted for not reaching the 250-word minimum, at a rate of 1 point per word. Be sure to count your words and note the total at every other line. Explain what they do, why their services will be in demand in the future, and what steps you would take to partner with like-minded business and professionals, if you were the president of the company. (Use at least 100 of your 250 word minimum in explaining what the company does) Please do your research and make notes in class, as you might need to complete this assignment as homework. It is due Monday at the beginning of class. If you finish writing your essay prior to the end of class Friday, please continue your research and make notes, so that we may discuss them intelligently following the vocabulary test Monday. 

Do not talk. This is an individual assignment. Talking may result in a zero. Be sure to put information in your own words. Copying text from any other source may also result in zero.

#1 -- Twist Bioscience

#2 -- Genetic Constructor

#3 -- Cambrian Genomics -- See the article "Controversial DNA Startup Wants to Let Customers Create Creatures Here

#4 -- CRISPR -- Developed at the Broad Institute of Harvard University

#5 -- Frequentz

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please study Quizlet for the first 10 minutes of class.

-- Then we will complete and turn in the Resizing Graphics Assignment from yesterday.

-- Then we will begin work on this week's research topic: The Success, Safety, and Systematic Tracking of Genetically Modified Foods. To begin we will watch a video from the MIT Technology Review article, "Why We Will Need Genetically Modified Foods." The video provides a short discussion of efforts in Ireland to develop blight resistant potatoes.

-- This will be followed be a video from the Fox News segment "A Healthy You" arguing GMO foods are harmful to human health --

-- Then we will watch a CBS News video discussing the finding by The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine that there's no substantiated evidence that foods from GE (genetically engineered) crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops. 

-- If time allows, we will begin to discuss how currently existing and newly developed software could be used to evaluate the information presented in today's videos. For a start, some software applications currently in use can be found here: and

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please use Quizlet to study vocabulary the first ten minutes of class.

-- Then we will watch a video on resizing graphics in Microsoft Word:

-- The video will be followed by visual instruction on the overhead on resizing graphics in Microsoft Word.

-- Then we will work on a hands-on graphics assignment in Microsoft Word. For this assignment, we will use the following images: