Thursday, November 2, 2017

Friday, November 3, 2017

For today's assignment, please write an essay on one of the following five biotechnology companies or applications. The essay must be at least 250 words. It may be more, if you wish. Points will be deducted for not reaching the 250-word minimum, at a rate of 1 point per word. Be sure to count your words and note the total at every other line. Explain what they do, why their services will be in demand in the future, and what steps you would take to partner with like-minded business and professionals, if you were the president of the company. (Use at least 100 of your 250 word minimum in explaining what the company does) Please do your research and make notes in class, as you might need to complete this assignment as homework. It is due Monday at the beginning of class. If you finish writing your essay prior to the end of class Friday, please continue your research and make notes, so that we may discuss them intelligently following the vocabulary test Monday. 

Do not talk. This is an individual assignment. Talking may result in a zero. Be sure to put information in your own words. Copying text from any other source may also result in zero.

#1 -- Twist Bioscience

#2 -- Genetic Constructor

#3 -- Cambrian Genomics -- See the article "Controversial DNA Startup Wants to Let Customers Create Creatures Here

#4 -- CRISPR -- Developed at the Broad Institute of Harvard University

#5 -- Frequentz