Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Today in class:

-- Please study Quizlet for the first 10 minutes of class.

-- Then we will complete and turn in the Resizing Graphics Assignment from yesterday.

-- Then we will begin work on this week's research topic: The Success, Safety, and Systematic Tracking of Genetically Modified Foods. To begin we will watch a video from the MIT Technology Review article, "Why We Will Need Genetically Modified Foods." The video provides a short discussion of efforts in Ireland to develop blight resistant potatoes.

-- This will be followed be a video from the Fox News segment "A Healthy You" arguing GMO foods are harmful to human health --

-- Then we will watch a CBS News video discussing the finding by The National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine that there's no substantiated evidence that foods from GE (genetically engineered) crops were less safe than foods from non-GE crops. 

-- If time allows, we will begin to discuss how currently existing and newly developed software could be used to evaluate the information presented in today's videos. For a start, some software applications currently in use can be found here: and